
Oh, to wax and wane,
wallow in the dirty rain.

Feel the volcano's fiery bed,
lava's flowing liquid molten red.

Crash upon the rocks of shore,
bask upon those rocks once more.

Face the hurricane's furious force,
rest in the eye of its due course.

Freeze in the Arctic's tundra frost,
barren landscape gaze glazed across.

Stampede in a thunderous roar,
among a herd of 10,000 or more.

Soar among the craggy cliffs,
seeking out the thermal lifts.

Feel the waterfall in your face,
swim in  clear waters at the base.

Taste the hot blood of the latest kill,
food for the living at the top the hill.

Make your way through heat and cold,
while seasons change and all grows old.

Face death a 1000 times before you die,
rather die young than old and ask, why?

Into the Wild with Horses

Into the Wild”,a movie
directed by Sean Penn 2007.
The true story of Christopher McCandless.

In our world it’s easy to join
the system, go through the motions,
stay safe and secure, and miss
the essence of what it means to be alive.

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Copyright 2015 © Ronald W. Hull


It's in the Water and Other Stories

It's in the Water and Other Stories

American Mole:  The Vespers

American Mole:  The Vespers

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Verge of Apoclypse Tales