
We live, regurgitate, procreate, party and die,
leave it to philosophers and poets as to why?

Is there intelligent life in the body politic?
It's hard to find among the lofty heretic.

Who is faster, the tortoise or the hare?
Calm tortoise lives long; hare caught in a snare.

Obsessive, compulsive is a way of life.

While we worry our warts into strife.

Cancer we are growing on our great planet,
consuming mass quantities we didn't plan it.

Preferring dirty brown to a green environment,
we dig up the last emerald kingdom for enjoyment.

Our population grows in overdrive,
we are pro-life so that we can thrive.

Consequences of our lack of self-restraint,
we leave up to gods to set itself straight.

But the gods are not coming to save the day,
our nest is disappearing while we pray away.

Why aren't our eyes open to the real plight?
Questions that go unanswered, day and night.


Image © yanhongbin 123RF.com

There are too many questions being raised
and not enough suitable answers.

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Copyright 2020 © Ronald W. Hull


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