Do we really know what love is?
Or do we really want to know?
Love is what we make of it,
as our life and times come and go.
At seven love is a warm, full belly,
with a mummy and daddy close by.
As they teach us right from wrong,
shelter us from all harm we try.
At seventeen love is in the beholder,
looking for a face and body dream.
Someone to have a baby with,
as acquaintances by us stream.
At twenty-seven struggling to be happy,
fulfilling spouse and children's need.
Getting through the tough times together,
foregoing dreams of individual greed.
At thirty-seven the wanderlust arrives,
with unfulfilled dreams on the mind.
Wanting to get out of all obligations,
breaking ties for new love to find.
At forty-seven, almost heaven,
wanderlust becomes one's prime.
Bucket list of love once missed,
is attempted one more time.
At fifty-seven retirement haven,
is taken seriously for the first time.
True love wants to nestle there,
while there still is reason to rhyme.
At sixty-seven with health waning,
love becomes one of patience.
Nurturing the grandchildren all,
viewing transgression with penance.
At eighty-seven love no longer heaven,
but a search for the ultimate ideal.
Retracing old loves lost in time,
for the lessons that they reveal.