
If I had a dollar in my wallet,
for every time I said whatchamacallit,
I'd be a very rich man today.

The older I get, the behinder I get,
it grows like my teenage years.

But I don't regret, get your backup just yet,
all that work avoids adolescent tears.

I just plug away, forget more each day,
and refile my memories galore.

At least I'm not at that point yet,
where I forget what I was getting,
to get at the store... or more.

But when it comes to a name,
a place or a date... I'm lame.

And often have to say whatchamacallit,
to just relate, and that's not relating great.

So if you're like me and forget what you,
wanted to say. Don't delay...

Just say whatchamacallit this,
whatchamacallit that.

Continue on with your story,
like the Cat in the Hat.

The one that got your tongue.

Cat Got Your Tongue?

Image from clipart

I meant for this to be funny, but in the
end I guess it is quite serious for some.
Thanks to Google, whenever I can't
remember something now, I just look
it up and there it is. Google is one
great memory enhancer.

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Copyright 2015 © Ronald W. Hull


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