You brag about your legacy,
how fine your children are.
Come down from Adam and Eve,
willed everyone to believe.
Go forth and populate the world,
with all creatures in your dominion.
Care not for their welfare's opinion,
care not for them or their minion.
Take a good look at your life,
when you complain about others in strife,
that they are lazy and on the dole,
what do you know of their life goal?
It's easy to blame others for our situation.
When it could be us that needs examination.
If we are the greatest people on the earth,
why do we insist on pristine, multiple birth?
Are we great by our conspicuous consumption?
Are we responsible for what we have hoarded?
Do we leave our land the way we found it?
Or do we claim it with borders jealously guarded?
We are so successful we have claimed the earth,
deeded hours from our immaculate birth,
we have wasted and squandered our portion,
as though there is no end to our selfish mirth.
In 1968, Paul Ehrlich raised the population alarm,
but few paid attention and just carried on.
Crisis crossroads are ahead, but we are not ready,
we keep postponing, driving our Chevy to the levee.
Don't leave it to your children to solve our worth,
is only your legacy, those to whom you've given birth?
All things great and small need to be saved.
There is no time like now to stop being depraved.
Do the right thing now before it's too late.