Why is scary held so dear?
Especially, during this time of year?
Perhaps because it is rooted in primal fear.
There's a thrill that comes from fear that's safe.
Like when lightning strikes close to one's ear.
or bullets miss from a fighter jet's strafe.
And adrenaline surges with feelings so clear.
It's the adrenaline rush that everyone wants,
not the reality of pain or death that's near.
With children it's lessons of what to beware,
with adults it's reliving old superstitious fear.
When one has memories of fearful nights,
the thought of scary once more, delights.
ItŐs the craving of that adrenaline rush,
brings one back to those times so much.
Movies and television thrive on the thought,
escaping agony and death is what one ought.
They feed the same franchise year after year,
as people hooked come back for the fear.
But the real danger lies in our fear that is real,
our children will be killed by going to school,
instead of lessons of understanding and respect.
with tools of destruction available to the fool.
Fear should be safe and fun in a scary way,
here today in entertainment, gone the next day.
No longer should there be wolves at the door,
future generations should fear no more.