Quantum Computing

A new way of computing is coming to the fore,
will make computing far different than before.

Working at the quantum subatomic level,
Will give computing so much upheaval.

We may never view computing the same again,
For it will go where we never thought when.

The universe was young without star forms,
Interiors of atoms were breaking all norms.

Chips with millions of times speed beckon,
What super computers years in a second.

EveryoneÕs guessing who will win the race,
Company that will put the chip into place.

Making our power to explore multiply more,
than we ever could have thought of before.

Opening a new world unthought of to explore.


Before Stars Formed by Ron AI

Quantum computing shows promise of solving formerly
difficult to solve mathematical theories leading to
a better understanding of our universe and even the
smallest and most difficult parts of it to explore.

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Copyright 2024 © Ronald W. Hull


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