Punch and Judy Show

Who would have thought they would arrive again,
That loving couple from way back when,
Where children were taught the lessons of man,
Maintaining control of their minions back then.

The Bible taught that Eve was from AdamÕs rib.
Meant to serve him as his anchor and jib.
Produce many offspring for his family to grow,
And never retreat from his fame to know.

Like the lords of middle ages controlled their serfs,
The Punch and Judy Show has returned to earth.
If your gender is ever in question by you at all,
Be prepared to accept the edict of their beck and call.

So, all of you who voted for a new era to begin,
Be prepared to take your punishment for joining in.
Where centuries of progress hard fought faced,
Have been, by simple signature, erased.

The Punch and Judy Show is now in full force,
Do not disturb Commander and chiefÕs horse.
Let him fall down from high places in due course,
Pendulum swings back, his voice grows hoarse.


Administration Punch and Judy Show by Ron AI

Unfortunately, most of the ordinary voters worried about
inflation and their pocketbooks do not see the danger in
being manipulated. All they want is change. And they will
get change they wonÕt like. A satire.

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Copyright 2024 © Ronald W. Hull


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