Holy Shirt!

Egad! My shirt is so holy!
It must be closer to dog.
My dog certainly loves me,
when he chews on my tog.

For while I am naked,
before him, dog cares not,
for how I look shirtless,
or what accoutrements got.

He's just interested,
in how sweet I smell,
as he makes my,
shirt holier than thou.

For I know my dog loves me,
regardless how I forsake him.
Will save me hell or high water,
whatever state I am in.

When I am in the state of ecstasy,
his nose is very sharp.
Is always there to greet me,
and never one to harp.

I will wear my holy shirt,
until the day I die.
When my dog will drag it on,
to be praised by another guy.


Holy Shirt Courtesy 123RF.com

To avoid the Bible thumping censors, I've
crafted this crafty peace, piece. To read
correctly, substitute the correct
censored two words. ;-)

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Copyright 2022 © Ronald W. Hull


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