slight 1/


"I'll see you in a f-n hour."
Shows up 30 minutes later.

"It's down the road a fur piece."
Went looking for a raccoon tail sign.

"I don't give a rat's ass!"
Showed up with a pigeon's butt to give.

"You can't get there from here."
That's strange, GPS just got me here.

"That's an old wives tale."
Checked with my wife, it's true.

"Been there, done that."
Scalded my ass in a Yellowstone pool.

"You lookin' at me?"
Glad I'm on Zoom.

"Where's the money?"
Last time I looked, Fort Knox.

"Where's the beef?"
Started a brawl in the bar.

"We are what we eat."
Ate a couple of my boogers.

"The sky's the limit."
Why are we in outer space?

"How is your liver?"
Still livin', last time I looked.


Image © Theodore Walters on

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Copyright 2020 © Ronald W. Hull


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