Amazing Grapes

Verse 1 - Refrain

Amazing grapes how sweet the taste,
That saved a teetotaler like me!
I once was skinny, but now am round;
Was weak, but now am healthy.


Verse 2
'Twas wine that taught my heart to sing,
And wine my cholesterol relieved;
How precious did that wine become,
The time my tastebuds believed!


Verse 3
Through many cures, pills and ills,
I have tried and failed with some;
'Tis wine hath brought me safe thus far,
And wine will lead me healthy home.



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Piano Music to Amazing Grapes
Listen to It by Clicking the Arrow

I sing Amazing Grace quite often. Wonderful uplifting
lyrics and melody. But I wonder, like so many composers
did, if John Newton in 1779, put his lyrics to a favorite
tavern song so that the parishioners on Sunday morning would
recognize the melody from the Saturday night before and sing
along. ;-) Hence, this parody.

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Copyright 2021 © Ronald W. Hull


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