The Truth

"I promise to tell the truth, the whole truth,
and nothing but the truth. With my hand,
on this book of myth and moral stories,
of a time long ago, its sorrows and glories."

"And then, tell it like it is, my story,
one so cleverly concocted,
from my own personal gory glory."

Science is rapidly unveiling the truth,
its methods are precise, repeatable and clear.
It generates new theories continually to test,
but throws out old theories, some held so dear.

Like those held close by religious cults,
simple explanations for all of life's doubts.
Repeated from birth and passed on down,
until brains rigidly accept lies and shouts.

Down any opposing theory or thought.
Conniving cult masters know this fatal flaw,
and easily find followers in the masses maw.
As old as the ice ages but never to thaw.

Followers who like sheep love to be in the herd.
With their ears to the ground of the leader's, word.
Who will die rather than deny the leader's lies,
so strong is their loyalty and strength of ties.

But science has a way of removing all doubt,
discovering history carefully hidden and shaped.
Not the story that is believed and so often aped.
Science revealing real history actually raped.

Hold your horses, ye stallions of conspiratorial lies!
Cold hard truth is right in front of your emotional eyes.
The sooner you take your ancient blinders off, like styes,
the sooner the truth will help you join realistic lives.


See, Hear and Say No Evil Courtesy

My mother had a nail file with those three monkeys
on the top. She taught me to always tell the truth,
no matter the consequences. That lesson has served
me well. Why I've never spread gossip.

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Copyright 2022 © Ronald W. Hull


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