Stay the Course

Stay the course, of course, of course,
preserve the American dream.
A thousand points of light will do it,
at least that's what it might seem.

Stay the course, of course, of course,
killed the evil Saddam regime.
So a million Iraqis will pay the price,
for this ill-conceived scheme.

Stay the course, of course, of course,
on the trail of Osama bin Laden's dream.
While watching Al Qaeda grow in strength,
Middle East Muslims turning more mean.

Stay the course, of course, of course,
while Muslim cults grew ever more bold.
It took a president with a Muslim name,
to kill bin Laden as clones took hold.

Stay the course, of course, of course,
when Russian Afghan fight grew cold.
Giving the Taliban more to reject,
the morality of Western gold.

Stay the course, of course, of course,
starve the Ayatollah's evil plan,
to make Iran great again,
into a moral, conservative land.

Stay the course, of course, of course,
support the Israelis moneyed scheme,
to claim the promised land of yore,
build walls to the unattainable dream.

Stay the course, of course, of course,
watch ISIS and the Syrian doctor's genocide,
conduct historical alteration with impunity,
vigorously promoting eventual self suicide.

Stay the course, of course, of course,
As Qaddafi met his eventual fate.
Watching Palestinians lose all hope,
slaves to the keepers of their land's gate.

Stay the course, of course, of course,
and cater to the evil Saudi oil regime.
While watching the Middle Eastern powder keg,
eventually eradicate any westernization dream.


George H. W. Bush During His 1989 Inaugural Address

Thought I'd write something political for a change.

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Copyright 2020 © Ronald W. Hull


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