Roaming Cat-Lickers

Beware those Roaming Cat-Lickers,
Friday fish breath and hairballs in their craw.
Who pray to craven bloody images,
Drink and eat blood and body with awe.

Beware those rag head Mossy limbs,
running wild across the Middle East,
reenacting old hag Sharon's rules,
with morals like a hungry beast.

Beware those re-formed Crus-peons,
with fish bumper sticker cars.
believe he's coming to get them,
and there's alien life on mars.

Beware of those Jud-cash profits,
with all their money changing ways,
they'll manage your money for you,
while profiting even on bad days.

Beware those Shin-toe kickers,
with their utter obedience ways,
those sam-are-I geisha warriors,
with their superior auto bays.

Beware those More-mon womanizers,
who marry them more and more,
in order to have many more offspring,
until it's hard to keep score.

Beware those Bud-hist mon-key-ries,
giving alms, incense and gold.
To gild their fat boy images brightly,
while they sit around, get rich and old.

Beware those Hind-you cow lovers,
they'll sneak up behind your back.
To steal all of your veggies and nuts,
making up for all the nutrition they lack.

Beware those Com-you-must conform us,
the absolute worst religion of all.
They'll paint a picture of an ideal world,
just to prepare you for the fall.


Image Courtesy the Internet

Just poking fun at all the foibles religious dogma traps us in.

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Copyright 2023 © Ronald W. Hull


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