Fighting Pronouns

I am not me, never would be,
my ego never matched my id.
His was never hers or theirs,
neither was worth a quid.

They are not us,
so what is all the fuss
Don't they know that them,
with us, is a plus.

She is not he, never will be,
except in the case of a trans.
Both may reside, deep inside,
confusing family, friends and fans.

We are not you, except from the view,
from far-off exo-it looking down.
Discovering who we are from afar,
finding us fighting with a frown

Yours is not mine, so do not whine,
when you find out it's theirs instead.
Looked high and low for ours,
found only an ache in the head


Image © LA Johnson at

Ever notice that pronouns in the same
family are often at odds?

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Copyright 2022 © Ronald W. Hull


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