Drifters, Grifters and Shifters

Drifters, Grifters and Shifters

They are all around us,
don'cha you know.
Swooping in fast, or,
sneaking in slow.

Drifters who come into our lives,
and then disappear from view.
No one knows where they go,
whether they are plenty or few.

Grifters are a shaky lot we know,
finding ways to live off the fat.
Shaking us down without a clue,
skimming us this way and that.

Shifters come shaped in all sizes.
They wear many hats to serve.
Wear hats too big for their heads,
only because they have the nerve.

Beware of these fellows of,
good fortune and for our behalf.
They'll take us for dupes in an instant,
as they disappear with a laugh.


Grifters © ABC News

This is not a political statement.
It's a statement of the sociopathic
nature of greed.
Rethink who you believe and why.

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Copyright 2022 © Ronald W. Hull


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