Chapter 12
Special Training
There were more this time. They shipped out
twelve at a time. The helicopter ride was familiar. Once again
it is in the middle of the night. After being underground so long, Ali
had hoped for a day flight. It was too much to ask. They were
still cloaked in secrecy, being kept under wraps from the rest of the country.
Still, it was good to be free of the confines of the underground Academy.
Off in the distance, he could see the glow of small towns. Directly
below, the lights of farms crawled across his field of view. Through
the open door, he could smell the fresh air and feel it brushing his face
as it made the circuit of the cabin. From the dark clumps of mountains
he guessed that they were heading southwest following the Appalachians.
His guess was right. Three hours of flight brought them back to Fort
Bragg before the sun came up.
This time they weren't in basic training. They landed in the Special
Forces training camp, an area off-limits for those in basic. The barracks
and bunks were the same, the camaraderie was much different. Ali knew
he'd have a tough time of it. After a fitful sleep during what remained of
the night, reveille rolled him out at 05:00.
The day started off with an hour's calisthenics before breakfast.
The forty-eight men and women in training were all from the Academy--familiar
faces. There were seven women. Dina wasn't among them. All Ali
could think about as he punched out fifty pushups was her. She kept
working into his mind. Like the shock of hitting the ground after so
long without training, he shook her off, tried to banish her. Breakfast
A far cry from basic, breakfast was warm and friendly. Everyone was
laughing and talking before they had to hit the field. The first two
weeks were rough and physical. Months at the Academy had softened them
all. Gradually, they built strength, worked into new technologies, and
ancient, very basic, survival skills. The U.S. Army Field Manual 21-04 became
their survival bible. The 1976 standby was revised after 9/11 and Iraqi
Freedom to include information on Middle Eastern areas.
Captain Thomas was direct. "How resourceful you are will determine
your survival. We will give you essential information and skills you
need to survive under almost any condition known to man. However, there
will always be instances where you will have to rely on your innate ability
to overcome. Your survival, and the survival of this planet, depends
upon it."
It was a profound statement. Ali tucked it away in a corner of his
brain to be brought out when he needed it. For now, they were learning
how to make fire. The old methods, using flint and steel, and rubbing
wood, were not easy to master. Flint was hard to find in most localities,
Ali studied hard the maps and geologic strata that showed where it could be
found. Fortunately, other hard stones: Agate, carnelian, jade, bloodstone,
chalcedony, quartz, and chert all worked well. The trick was finding
and recognizing them. Still, he would need steel or iron, not another
piece of flint, to make a spark. With a fire making kit, it was easy
to light tinder with a single spark from flint. This was where char came in.
Char was easily made from linen or cotton cloth, cooked in an airless can
until it was charred. The surface of char was such that it would trap
a spark and grow it into a flame, especially if there was wind. Many
tinder materials, punk wood, moss, dried grass, and lichens could be made
into char. These same materials were difficult to light if not charred.
Green wood could be found most places on earth. However, making fire
from wood was no easy task. Unlike flint, where it was difficult to
find the right pieces and his hands cramped and bruised from striking and
gripping the pieces too hard, blisters appeared when Ali tried to spin a hand
drill between his hands fast enough to create enough friction for fire.
The trick was to use a green stick, and make it smooth enough, so that it
wouldn't raise blisters. The base, where the green stick spun, needed
to be made of dry wood with a notch where tinder could touch the heat of friction
from rubbing the stick against the base. He tried the plough, where
the stick was rubbed back and forth, the bow drill, and piston drill.
The piston drill worked well, but it was hard to make. The bow drill
worked best, but you needed good rope or rawhide for the bow.
All of these methods required dry tinder. In North Carolina, they
found it in fire kits and dead standing trees on rainy days. Ripping
the wet bark off revealed bone-dry punk wood underneath.
Using a piece of glass or plastic as a lens to focus sunlight was easier.
But no method was foolproof, and getting a fire started could mean the difference
between life and death. Other survival skills included learning what
was edible and what was not. And finding water. While they learned
techniques that were used the world over, Ali had to commit those used in
Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan to memory.
The final test came quickly. Ten Moslem-Americans were chosen for
a desert wilderness trial. Ali was among them. They left after
dark. A helicopter took them to a local airbase, where a C-130 ferried
them to an airbase in southwestern Arizona sometime just after midnight.
From there, before morning, a helicopter dropped each one of them off in the
desert, alone, to fend for themselves as long as they could. The brass
didn't want any heroes, so each one was given a cell phone wristband fitted
with GPS and a couple of monitors in case they passed out or became dehydrated.
They were to call only in a dire emergency. The monitors would help
determine their condition whether they called or not.
When they left the airbase, Ali looked carefully for landmarks that would
help him find food and water and a way out. When they put the blindfolds
on, he knew that wouldn't help. They were searched and given nothing
but the cell phone and monitors, two granola bars, and all the water they
could drink When it was Ali's turn, he stepped down on to the
hardscrabble surface of a barren arroyo and took his blindfold off.
The helicopter took off and he was alone. The blindfold made a nice
kerchief. He stuffed it into an empty pocket to use later. Stumbling
along in the dark, he curled up in a cleft in the arroyo bank and went to
sleep. The anxiety and all-night trip had exhausted him.
It was mid morning and hot--too hot. Ali woke up sweating profusely.
He had to get out of the sun. He got up and walked slowly toward the
other side of the arroyo that faced what he expected was the west. He
found a spot where overhanging rock sheltered a cleft that was shaded and
crawled up into it. The rocks were cool and not too hard to lie on.
He was still very tired, so he fell asleep easily. When he woke to
a coyote's call, it was dark. The sky was filled with stars. It
was cool. Cooler than he expected. Fortunately, a half moon enabled
him to see. After eating a granola bar, he set out, following the arroyo
in the direction he felt water would flow. If he had been close to
mountains, he might have gone the other way. Small mountain streams
tend to disappear and evaporate once they reach the desert floor.
Ali wished he hadn’t eaten the sweet granola bar. It made him thirsty.
He walked deliberately and carefully. Even tripping on a rock out here
could be his downfall. The night light was deceiving. He had to
get used to it and the terrain. He listened for the night sounds--the call
of the coyote, and the hooting of the owl. He heard none. He
did hear occasional fluttering of wings overhead, a welcome sign of life in
this desolate place. He did not know if they were birds or bats, but
it didn't matter. With them here there would be food and water.
Following the arroyo downhill through the night, he covered three or four
miles. He arrived at a small canyon just as he sensed the dawn.
At the lowest point of the canyon, the walls were damp and Ali could sense
water. The sand beneath his feet was soft and moist. It was easy
for him to scoop it up with his hands. He hadn't dug six inches when
his fingers felt cool water pouring into the hole. Testing it first
with his tongue to make sure it wasn’t alkaline, he placed his kerchief over
the hole and let the water seep up through it. He drank his fill like a dog,
and then rolled back on his back in the sand reveling at his good fortune.
There would be no helicopters coming to save him anytime soon.
Bright sun in his eyes and its heat on his chest woke him again. He
scrambled to the shade of the other side of the canyon, found a soft sandy
spot, and quickly fell asleep again. He woke to the heat of midday and
the irritation of ants crawling around him. After he realized the ants
hadn't bitten him, he began picking them up, one by one, and popping them
into his mouth. He could feel each one struggle 4with its strong little
feet against his tongue and taste its bitter flavor as this teeth crushed
it, but this was the only food he'd eaten since been dropped off. A
hundred of the nasty little buggers seemed less than a spoonful, but he ate
until the line of ants stopped marching by him. His hunger was not
diminished. The bitter aftertaste only exacerbated the growing pangs
of hunger that ripped his stomach. Was he going to be lucky enough to
find water, only to lose because he couldn’t find food?
Ali crossed the canyon and drank warm water from his little oasis before
setting out to explore the canyon for food. He followed the shadowed
eastern wall upward to avoid the direct heat of the sun. Where the arroyo
entered the canyon, a small forest of cactus grew. There were three
varieties, not unlike those Ali had seen in the Mojave. There was a
long spindly one that grew to six or seven feet. Its spines were only
at the joints, and not too bad to touch. Ali broke off a piece about
a foot long, worked out the spines, and slipped it into his pocket.
The second cactus looked like a prickly pear except its leaves were only about
the size of silver dollars. The spines were hair like and nasty, so
Ali had to break off a piece with two stones. Pulling some dry grass,
he gingerly wrapped the piece in the grass and put it in his pocket.
The last cactus was large, round, and covered with heavy white spines.
They curved, so that he could put his hands on the weave of their hard, rock
smooth surface. He placed his hands on the round top of a two footer,
pushed forward, and it broke off about a foot below where he pushed.
It was hollow inside, with white, almost liquid tissue surrounding the hollow.
Ali tasted the liquid with his tongue; it was slightly sweet and refreshing.
Cactus was good, the Field Manual had taught him that. No need for the
Universal Edibility Test yet.
Out of the corner of his eye, Ali saw a snake crawling swiftly through the
rocks to his right. He dropped the cactus and took off in pursuit. The
snake was disappearing into a hole under a rock when he caught it by the
tip of its tail. After he dragged the snake slowly from the grip of
its hiding place, he tightened his grip on the six-footer's tail and gave
it a crack like a bullwhip. There was an audible "crack!" that reverberated
up and down the canyon as the snake's neck broke. True to its name,
Ali figured the desert striped whipsnake would make good eating.
The fluttering sounds he heard the night before proved to be swallows.
He wrapped the snake around him like a rope and tied it. He left the
cacti where he had harvested them and begin to pick his way along the top
of the canyon wall. Finding a cleft, he leaned over and looked, hanging
onto a scrubby piece of brush as he lowered himself prone over the edge.
There were three mud swallow's nests in reach. As he reached for the
first one, a swallow flew out. He could hear the frantic chirping of
baby chicks. As he reached for the second one, a swallow flew out of
that one too. This time there was no chirping. He broke away the
hard muddy edge of the perfectly round hole. He was rewarded with two
tiny eggs. He plucked them carefully, one at a time, and placed them
safely in a hollow on a rock next to where he was lying. There was
no swallow in the third nest, but there were three eggs.
Having gathered enough food for the day, Ali retraced his steps, picked
up the cacti, and returned to the canyon floor. He found a flat rock
in full sun not far from his shaded resting place. He figured the temperature
on the rock was about a hundred and thirty degrees. He placed the five
eggs carefully on it. Ali then set about finding a sharp rock that he
could use for cutting. He found what he was looking for among loose shale
eroding from the canyon wall. Using two rocks, he chipped one with the
other until he had a jagged, but sharp, edge.
Starting near the head where the whipsnake's neck was broken, Ali made a
cut in the snake's skin and then slowly pulled its skin off. Knowing
that he could use the skin, he placed it on a rock to dry, and began cutting
the snake open along its belly. After he cut the intestinal tract out,
he spread the snake out next to the eggs on the hot rock. He returned
to the shade of the canyon wall. He then turned his attention to the
cactus. The long one only had spines at the joints. By breaking
the cactus off just before the Joint, Ali was able to get the tough, eight-inch
long sections free from spines. Unfortunately, chewing on them only
left him with a bitter aftertaste.
The barrel cactus was more promising. Scraping the hollow interior
with his finger, precious drops of liquid appeared. Ali was able to
hold it gingerly by its spines and drink the semisweet nectar. The pulp
wasn't very tasty, but it helped stave of his hunger. It looked like
he could hollow out the end of the cactus and make a cup for drinking.
He carefully beat the fine spines away from the ear like lobes of the last
cactus with his rock and began to chew on its tough skin. It didn't taste
bad--just a little bitter and chewy.
It was time to check on the eggs. He walked gingerly to the rock they
were cooking on. He could feel the heat through the soles of his army
boots. He was so glad he had them. He checked the eggs with his
fingers. They were hot. He wondered whether they were cooked through.
His curiosity overcame caution and he cracked the first one. A tiny,
feathery creature popped out. Ali almost gagged at the sight.
The second egg proved better. When he cracked it he found a small cooked
egg inside. He popped it into his mouth. The taste was pleasant
and familiar. He could have used some salt and a bit more. Two
of the other eggs provided that. The third also contained a chick.
Ali thought about some way to eat them, and then thought better of it.
He would leave them on the rock for the buzzards to find if the ants didn't
get them first. His snake was cooking.
He chewed on three more cactus ears before returning to the snake.
It wasn't fully cooked, but he ate it anyway. He felt sick and full
when he was about a third through the hot, raw snake meat. He gathered
up the rest of the snake and wrapped it in his shirt. He wasn't inclined
to let the buzzards get his only food. The sun was high and it was getting
very hot. He retreated to the shadowed crack in the canyon wall and
went to sleep.
Ali woke to the feel of something crawling on his neck. He swatted
it instinctively and felt it fall away. The sun had reached him again and
he was very warm and sweaty. His stomach ached. As the sleep cleared
from his eyes, he looked down to see what it was that had bothered him.
It was a black spider, curled up in death. He poked it and turned it
over. He was greeted with a red hourglass-shaped marking on its back—female
black widow! He rubbed the dirty, sweaty spot on his neck where the
spider had been. He didn’t think he’d been bitten. Just the creepy
feeling that lingered on his neck.
Across the canyon, he saw movement. A wary coyote was lapping at the
hole he had made for water. The coyote scurried away as he approached.
He dug with his hands once again into the warm sand until the cool water flowed
in. He drank his fill once more and then crawled up into the hole on
that side of the canyon to sleep until nightfall. The thought of spiders
kept him awake for some time.
Ali spent three days in the canyon. He depleted the reachable swallow’s
nests and gathered up enough food for two or three days. A lizard he
trapped under a rock supplemented the snake meat. He found agave and
purslane to augment the cacti. He hollowed out three barrel cacti to
hold water. It was awkward carrying them, tied with snakeskin around
his neck, but necessary if he was going to travel in this desert. He
decided to follow the arroyo downstream. He set out at sunset.
There was a partial moon on the horizon, so when his eyes got adjusted to
the dark he could see some distance as he stepped over boulders and avoided
tripping on rocks as he went.
By morning, Ali found himself on a huge dry lake. He could barely
see across it. With no cover in sight, he headed for what appeared
to be distant hills wafting like a mirage about ten miles off. By noon,
he was in the middle of the lake, it was scorching hot, and he was drinking
too much of his water. The lake bottom was hard as rock so he couldn't
dig a hole to crawl into. There was no place to lie down and get out
of the sun. He just had to walk on. By late afternoon he was walking
into the sun and fearing the worst. He tried to think of Dina to get his
mind off his predicament. He had made the wrong move. He thought of
the early settlers who made the wrong move and perished out here. He
kept thinking of the helicopter coming to save him instead of making a safe
place. Nearly delirious, he stumbled to a rocky outcropping by
early evening. Too tired to go on, he rested in the shade of it from
the murderous heat of the setting sun.
Something woke him after midnight. He was still sick from his struggle
the day before and down to one-third of the water he started with, but he
felt energized by his rest and had to do something or lose it all in this
awful place. Taking a sip of water, he ate some rancid snake, and chewed
on some cactus ears before he set out once again. The moon was brighter
now and the way smoother, so he walked quickly, wasting no time. Just
before sunup, he found another rocky outcropping and holed up there for the
Ali got some sleep and rest. Seeing what he thought were mountains
in the distance, he headed that way in the evening. By dawn, he had
found another small canyon with a trickle of water running into it at its
head. He thankfully drank his fill and searched for food before resting.
. He found six swallows' eggs and some cactus. He saw a lizard,
but it scurried away before he could grab it. Three of the eggs were
good. He savored them and chewed on some cactus before he went to sleep.
Before dark, he decided to follow the water upstream. Climbing out of
the canyon, Ali found himself once again in the desert, but the mountains
seemed closer ahead. By morning, he was gaining altitude with
each step. Feeling good, he decided to keep climbing. The dry wash he
had been following became a small stream. Once again he drank his fill
and headed upward until he could see the desert stretched out below him and
the cactus gave way to sagebrush, cedar and pine. Hungry and tired,
he found a bed of pine needles under a shady tree and fell asleep.
It was getting dark when he woke. He couldn't find anything to eat,
so he swallowed his hunger and began climbing again. He startled a bird
from its nest. Peeking in, Ali saw three speckled eggs. He immediately
cracked them and let the raw egg slide down his tongue and throat.
It was the best thing he ever tasted. Just the thought was enough to
energize him to move on. The moon was nearly full now, and he needed
it to help him climb in the rough terrain. By midnight he had come
to a place where the stream widened into a pond. Curling up under a
big tree, he felt the cool night breeze for the first-time since he began
his awful journey. The sounds of frogs croaking accompanied his sleep.
Ali woke to the singing of birds and the dampness of the dew on his clothes.
He was thirsty again and felt dirty, so dirty after so many days without water.
After drinking his fill in the stream, he took off his boots, grungy stockings,
and his wrist phone and waded in to began washing the grime off. Soon,
he took of all his clothes and laid them on the bank. After he felt
totally refreshed he waded over to the clothes and began washing them--pounding
them on the rocks like he'd seen in movies from Pakistan. He couldn't
help but notice the fish darting around the pond in the clear water and frogs
jumping at the edge of the pond when he approached them. There was
a good source of food here if he could only get to it. He hung his
clothes to dry on a nearby tree branch and walked gingerly around on the
pine needles and sharp rocks barefoot and naked looking for what he needed.
It wasn't long before he found it-- Marcasite. It was a rather large
piece, shiny yellowish facets from an outcropping not fifty yards from the
pond. Grabbing a loose rock, he struck it hard. Sparks flew. Filled
with the luck of his find, he pounded on it with the rock until he broke off
a hand-sized, manageable piece. Fifteen minutes of frantic pounding
left him sweating and panting, but he had what he needed, a second piece to
make sparks for a fire.
Everything was still damp with dew. However, under the shelter of
a standing rotting pine tree, Ali found dried lichens and moss to go with
the rotting wood chips. They were bone dry. Near the base it was wetter.
Here he found grubs he popped into his mouth and swallowed whole. He
gathered firewood and kindling to a level spot near the pond that had rocks
he could use for cooking. After thirty minutes of striking sparks on the tinder,
it was obvious that it wasn’t working. He was exhausted and sweating again.
His fingers too tired to hold on. He was making sparks, but they were
dissipating on the tinder without taking. He needed char. But
how could he get char without fire? He lay down in the shade again and
tried to think. A half hour later, he felt better. He put on
his wet pants and boots without socks, and left the stream, heading uphill.
High on a ridge, some distance from his pond, Ali saw what he thought was
a charred tree. He was right. He remembered that, in the Sierras,
he had seen many high and lone trees struck by lightning. This was one
of those. A few green pine needles on scraggly branches testified that
it still clung to life, but a hollow at its base was completely burned out.
The mid morning sun had dried the dew. His hands turned black as he
broke off pieces of charred wood. All he had was his wet pockets, so
he stuffed them full. In a few minutes he was back at the pond.
Emptying his pockets on a flat rock, the gooey black soot was on everything.
He took his pants off again, and washed the pockets out in the pond.
By noon, the charred wood was dry. Ali pulverized the pieces until
he had a pile of fine, black powder. Using dried moss as a bed, he
covered it with the powder. He was ready to try again.
It took him about a minute to drop three hot sparks on the char bed. One
seemed to be captured as a red, glowing ember in the black. Gently blowing
on the ember caused it to grow until it ignited the moss. Ali quickly
added more tinder and twigs of pine until he had a fire that would sustain
itself. As he felt the heat of it in his face and the strong smell
of burning pine pitch, elation came over him he hadn't felt for the long
time. He almost started to cry he felt so happy.
Back at the pond, he caught a frog. Not knowing quite how to kill
it, he finally held it down on a flat rock and hit it in the head with another.
Using the sharp rock he had fashioned back in the canyon; he skinned and gutted
the little critter. There wasn’t much left except the two hind legs
after this process. Heating a flat rock by the fire, he dropped the
remains of the carcass to cook and went after another frog. Five frogs
later, Ali was savoring his first cooked food in three days. It tasted
a bit fishy and needed salt, but it filled him up. Eating made him
sleepy, so he put some more wood on the fire and curled up in the shade of
a nearby tree to sleep. By late afternoon, he fed the fire again, put
on his clothes, and began to search the area for more food.
There was evidence of animals in the area. He saw deer tracks, but
did not know how he would get one. There were cattails on one end of
the pond. He knew he could eat their starchy roots and stalks.
He expected to find other bird nests and perhaps catch a chipmunk or groundhog.
Ants and larvae from rotting logs were also a possibility, but he didn't relish
the thought of eating more of them, cooked or not. As he gathered wood
for the fire, he kept thinking about the fish. He'd have to give them
a try.
When he returned to the camp, he stoked the fire once more and piled the
wood he had gathered nearby. And then headed for the point where the
stream flowed into the pond. Crawling carefully so as not to disturb
the ground or leave his shadow on the water, he inched his way up to the rocks
where the stream brought food to the fish of the pond. To his surprise,
two large trout were swimming just inches below his face in the clear water
near the rock. Slipping his hand into the water below the fish, he
gradually moved his hand forward until he was right behind the tail of the
nearest one. With one quick movement, he grabbed the trout by the tail
and threw it on the bank. The trout was very lively and almost flipped
its way back into the water before Ali could catch it and pin it to the ground.
At about a pound and a half, the trout was the most food Ali he had seen
since the snake. This time it would be fully cooked.
The fish was wonderful, even though there was no salt. He toasted the cattail
roots, too, and found they went quite well with the fish. Ali stayed
there for two more days. It was hard to keep the fire going, especially
at night. He knew he would deplete the frogs and fish in the pond, and the
easy to gather firewood. As he curled up that second night, he let the
fire go out. Sometime in the dark, he heard deer come down to the pond
to drink. Other creatures came and went too. It was comforting
to know that he was not entirely alone.
The "Whoop,Whoop,Whoop, ...," of a helicopter overhead and the whine of
its jet engines brought him to his senses. It could have been a dream,
but Ali was startled awake, the morning sun glancing off the blades in a vertigo
effect as the wake blew dust and pine needles around him in a whirlwind.
"Rashid, prepare to board," blared from the loudspeaker.
Spurred into action, Ali grabbed his Marcasite and cutting rock, pulled
on his shoes, and ran to the helicopter as it landed near the pond.
Colonel Blair greeted him.
"Welcome aboard, Jaheed! Thought we'd pick you up. You outlasted all
the others by two days. Iqbal was near death from dehydration.
Al-Kaza has one of the worst sunburns I've seen. None of them were starving,
but they sure were hungry. Most we picked up because of heat exhaustion.
Their monitors were off the chart. Except for that fourth day, your
monitors stayed normal. You traveled almost 75 miles to this range.
Did you know you were only about 10 miles from a little town just over the
ridge? We thought about letting you go, to see how you’d interact with locals,
but it's just too risky. How in hell did you do it anyway?"
Ali felt good, but he didn't want to brag. "Well sir, aside from our
training, I used what I've learned in the Boy Scouts and on outings we took
to the Mojave and other places. Mostly, I just got lucky, finding water
so easily, catching the snake and finding those swallow eggs."
"Sounds like you had quite an adventure. Let's save the details for
the briefing. I'm sure the others will want to know how you did it.
It was quite remarkable, and we're proud of you, Son."
Ali was a bit embarrassed, but it faded when the colonel shoved a hot hamburger
into one hand and a cold Coke into the other. It tasted like the best
meal he'd ever had. They followed the East slope of the Sierras to the
secret destination in Nevada. It was wonderful to be on a daylight flight.
Few saw them in the desert.