Oh,the struggle, oh, the pain,
Thepassionate power of the game.
Yousuffer and sacrifice, to little avail,
Nothingis gained without great travail.
Youtwist and turn your mind in knots,
Butwords do not come in great thoughts.
Instead,they come in little surprises along the way,
Tobrighten your struggle and make your day.
Soit is the land that you have passed through,
Notthe land arrived at that makes your due.
It'snot the outcome that stakes your claim,
It'sthe journey through trouble that is your fame.
Andso when I sit here and look at my tome,
Idon't feel fulfilled; I don't feel I'm home.
Ifeel the ennui of an unfinished life,
Iwant to get back to that trouble and strife.
There'sno satisfaction in the journey's end,
Onlyin the struggle with life's turn and bend.
Copyright 2001 © Ronald W. Hull