Hi. Welcome to my fourth novel, in progress.
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The Bloody End
Chapter 28
The Vespers
Chief Blake called the FBI as he watched Amos' taillights disappear in the
swirling snow.
A lovely woman's voice answered. "This is the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
How may I help you?"
"This is Chief Charles Blake of the Milladore Police Department in Wisconsin.
I have just been informed that Pius One, leader of the Vespers Monastery
has been murdered. I've also been informed that his murder may involve
serial murders, sex crimes against children, and slavery."
There was an audible gasp at the other end of the line, even at that wee
hour when the most heinous crimes were often reported. Finally, after
a moment, the young lady composed herself and responded. "I've never
heard of Milladore, but I'm looking it up right now to see if you are legitimate.
Ah, there it is. I see. Just north of the Vespers property.
You are calling on a secure Homeland Security line that only police departments
have access to. What's your department number?"
"I'm looking that up right now. Yes, there it is. Milladore Wisconsin
Police Department, Charles Blake, Chief. Two officers, one dispatcher
and two volunteer deputies. Okay, if what you say is true, then I'm
going to have to wake some people up. Have you got the crime scene
"Not yet, but I'm about to call the Wisconsin State Police, the Wood County
Sheriff, and all the surrounding police departments to assist in cordoning
off the Vespers and securing the crime scene. As far as I know, no
one at the Vespers knows of the murder yet. Once we've secured the
Vespers, we'll wait for your investigators. I'm not about to destroy
any evidence or have anyone else do it, either."
"That's a good attitude. Our agents will appreciate that. Based
on what you said, this doesn't look like a local matter. I promise
that agents will be on the scene by first light. Take care and good
Blake woke his dispatcher and asked her to call all the local Police Departments
and have them come to the gates of the Vespers to prevent anyone from leaving,
allow only police to enter, help direct traffic and guard the gates from
the riffraff and paparazzi that he knew would come out of the woodwork as
soon as they heard. At least he had a couple of hours to get them in
place before dawn.
"Hello, this is the Wood County Sheriff's Department. May I help you?"
"This is Chief Blake of Milladore. We've got a serious situation at
the Vespers. I just learned that Pius One had been murdered.
I'm at the North Gate and going on in. Have Sheriff Randolph meet me
at the Vespers police station. I'll keep my phone and radio open in
case she needs to contact me. I've turned this over to the FBI, so
we will just be securing the scene and not doing the investigation."
Next, Blake called the Wisconsin State Police in Tomah. They promised
state troopers and a helicopter within the hour. He e-mailed them GPS
map locations as he drove through the open gate, knowing that he was now
under surveillance by the Vespers. He gave the Vespers Police Department
a call.
"Hello, this is Chief Chuck Blake. I've just entered the North Gate
and am heading towards Pius One's compound. Who's on-duty?"
"It's me, Elias Four. Chief Amos told me something important was happening
and for me to stand by and wait for his callback. I saw him leave the
North Gate a while ago. I guess he left the gate open, because I saw
you come on through a moment ago. What's up? Where's Chief Amos?"
"He's gone. I want you to wake Ralph up and have him meet me when I
get to your station. I'm about 15 minutes out. Can you do that?"
"I can, but... but..."
"No buts about it. This is a serious matter, like Chief Amos said.
Just do as I say and stand by for further instructions. Get him up!"
Chuck Blake found himself getting shrill. He had a lot of weight on
his shoulders right now and no time for any crap from some young pup.
The phone went silent while Elias Four went to wake Ralph up. Chief
Blake drove on through the night until he came to the gate for Pius One's
compound. The gate was closed. He heard scuffling in the background
and Ralph came to the phone. "Chief Blake, what in the hell are you
getting me up at this time of the night for? Don't you have better
things to do than to come charging on in to the Vespers at this time of the
Blake was more than antsy as he sat idling by the gate. He thought
about turning on his siren and loudspeaker but, just as quickly, thought
better. Right now, the fewer people that knew about it, the better.
"It's okay, Ralph, Amos left you in charge. Open the gate so that I
can meet you at the station. It's real important, I assure you."
The gate opened slowly, allowing Blake in. In a minute, he was pulling
up to the station. Ralph and Elias Four came out to meet him.
"Hi, Ralph. Hop in. And you, young man (referring to Elias Four),
please go back and man the dispatch station, because we are about to get
a lot of radio traffic and I need you to be in position to relay it to us,
if necessary. Okay? Oh, and by the way, Sheriff Randolph is coming.
Make sure that she gets through the gates all right and have her wait here
until Ralph and I get back."
From his body language, it was obvious that Elias Four was not about to take
orders from some two bit, small-town police chief, but Ralph turned to Four
and told him to go back to the dispatch room and do his job, before turning
to join Chief Blake on Betsy's front seat. Still bleary-eyed, he managed
through a yawn, "What's up, Chief?"
"Please direct me to Pius One's workshop. Amos told me that there's
a bad situation there."
Ralph pointed the way. A short time later they were pulling into the
parking area by the workshop. Under the outdoor light by the door,
they could see what looked like a small, black plastic, Darth Vader lying
in the snow. The door beside the large overhead door was open.
That was strange. Pius One would never leave that door open.
They saw the tracks another vehicle had left sometime earlier. The
cart that had been assigned to Hector that evening was parked there collecting
the light wispy snow that was now falling from the trees. At Blake's
admonition, they stepped out of Betsy carefully, not wishing to disturb any
tracks it came from that door. With his remote, Ralph opened the large,
overhead door, instead. The lights came on as the door opened, and
they could see two bodies lying on the shiny floor inside. "Hold it,"
Chief Chuck Blake cautioned. We've got a major crime scene here.
As much as I'd like to, we can't go in there. Let's get back in Betsy
and make sure that no one disturbs this place until the FBI get here."
"Jesus!" Shaken to his very boots, Ralph closed the overhead door and they
got back into Betsy, making as few tracks as possible. They cordoned off
the drive to the parking area with yellow crime scene tape by stringing it
to two young trees. Once back at the station, they called Thomas Five
off patrol and had Elias Four wake up the rest of the squad. Sheriff
Leonora Randolph and two of her deputies, also yawning, arrived. Over
coffee in the kitchen, Blake briefed her in confidence while they waited
for everyone to get up and get dressed. She agreed to let Blake take
the lead until the FBI arrived. And then they took a look at the monitors.
When they got to the cameras for the workshop, all they got was a picture
of an empty parking area and the light over the closed doors. It had
remained the same normal night scene for the previous few hours. But
there was no wispy snow. Apparently, Pius One had a way of freezing the camera
image of the front door of the workshop so that it appeared that nothing
was happening. This would enable him and others to come and go without
being seen by security at the monitors. Later, they learned that he
had that capability throughout Vespers and could move about without being
detected by his own security by simply freezing cameras until he left the
area. As was his style, he had a remote for everything.
The sleepy crew slowly assembled in the kitchen area, grumbling and drinking
coffee, wondering why they had been awakened at such an ungodly hour.
Blake warned Ralph to keep tightlipped about what was happening until reinforcements
arrived. Before long, they heard the whooping sound of a helicopter
overhead. It landed in the drive right behind Betsy, kicking up snow.
Everyone came out of the station to greet it. The door opened and a
tired looking, gray-haired Captain Maynard Johnson of the Wisconsin State
Patrol stepped out to greet them. Three troopers accompanied him.
Others had already arrived at the gates by car, awaiting further orders.
Unable to talk under the noise of the rotors, they rushed inside.
Shaking the Captain's hand as they entered the building, Chief Blake introduced
himself and the others and told Johnson that he was the one that called everyone
To the surprise of the Vespers police, Blake, in the same breath, announced,"Captain
Johnson and Sheriff Randolph, I want you to help me place all of these Vespers
officers under arrest as accessories to the act of capital murder that occurred
earlier tonight on the grounds of this compound in the Vespers." By
that time, the three state troopers had joined them in the room and heard
what he had to say.
The Vespers crew were no longer sleepy, they started to protest as the state
troopers and deputies came around with handcuffs and started to handcuff
them, one by one. But then, like the compliant lot they were, they
quickly gave in to the arrest order made by Blake.
The Captain took charge. "All right. All right. Everybody,
calm down. I'm going to hold you as witnesses until Chief Blake, here,
can tell me what in the hell is going on. I don't like getting up in
the middle of the night and having to roust my men for a simple murder in
a private compound. Somebody had better start explaining pretty quick
or I'm going to get angry."
The moment that Chuck Blake had been waiting for had finally arrived.
"With Chief Ralph here, as my witness. We saw two bodies, one of which
we believe, is Pius One." There was a collective gasp as everyone in
the room heard what the Blake was saying. Ralph, now in handcuffs,
was shaking his head solemnly in agreement. Blake continued.
"Based on the information I have, they were killed by some kind of robot
that Pius One was making in his workshop. Chief Ralph and I (once again,
Ralph was nodding in agreement) saw it and I shot it with a shotgun that
he had. It wasn't moving. But I figured that I had better put
it out of commission rather than let it sit there and maybe come alive again
and kill somebody else. I was told that the robot was some kind of
terrorist machine that Pius One was developing for the military. I
have charted 78 or 79 pions that have gone missing from anxious relatives
and friends that came looking for them at the local police authorities (Sheriff
Randolph nodded in agreement). I was also told that some of these pions
were under age and subjected to sexual abuse. Finally, there may be
evidence of slavery being practiced here. That's why I called in the
FBI. Captain Johnson, this is a lot more than a simple murder on private
property. That's why I'm not going to tell you where the bodies are
until the FBI arrives. This whole place is a crime scene. What
we need to do is secure it."
Sheriff Randolph couldn't hold her tongue. "We'll need search warrants.
I'll call Judge Buckholtz right away."
Captain Johnson couldn’t hold his authority, either. "That's good work,
Chief Blake. Men, get these Vespers guys out of here! And make
sure we've got them all. Blake, that is your name, isn't it?
Is any of this security force missing?" The Captain was clearly angry
that witnesses, and possibly, perpetrators were listening to them.
"Let's not botch this one. Everything by the book."
Ralph volunteered. "Only Longray, Sir. He was here earlier this
evening before I went to bed. But he's not here now." The others
remained deathly silent, shocked at what they’d heard.
"Blake, you had better get on the horn and alert your troops at the gates.
We don't want this Longray to get away. Okay, let's close this place
down until the FBI gets here."
Ralph was placed in the Chief's office under guard by one of the Sheriff's
deputies. The rest of the security force was placed in the small holding
cell that was part of the station. As a precaution, all of the computer
technicians were rounded up without commotion and taken to one of the dining
halls so that the computer network or computers would not be compromised.
One of the search orders that Sheriff Randolph requested was the search,
and seizure, if necessary, of all computer equipment.
As the men were herded into the jail they began whispering among themselves.
"Where's Amos? How come nothing was said about Chief Amos? Did
he have a part in this? Did he kill Pius One? Finally, after
quietly discussing among themselves, they decided not to reveal his name
since Ralph hadn't. None of them wanted to be the one to turn Amos
in. They had grown to like him in the short while he had been Chief.
They all agreed, that if anyone would tell them about Amos, it would be Ralph.
Two hours later... dawn at the Vespers
The Captain's helicopter was gone when the red white and blue helicopter
emblazoned with FBI in large letters on the side arrived. Chief Blake
and Sheriff Randolph went out to meet it. A well-dressed, gray-haired
man in a black suit with a stylish camel coat emerged from the helicopter
and shook their hands. He was accompanied by two, much younger agents, a
buff looking man with a shaved head, and a striking brunette, also well dressed
against the cold January air. Once again they had to go inside to be heard.
"Hello, I am Senior Agent Carlos Cruz. I am regional director out of
the Chicago FBI Office. I have been at this business over 35 years,
and, based on the briefing I got coming here this morning, this is the most
important assignment I've had since the big one. This is Special Agent
Joseph Whipple and Special Agent Marie Gardner. They will be assisting
me this morning until our truck arrives from Chicago with our forensic people.
We’ve been watching Pius One for some time and were hoping to get enough
evidence to go after him. As tragic as his death is, we've got some
information that is very incriminating and what happened here last night
bears that out."
Blake shook his hand first. "Hi, I'm Chief Chuck Blake of the Milladore
Police Department. I'm the one who called you out of bed because I
was sure this was a federal case. I'm glad you're here. My force
and all the local police forces are guarding the perimeter and ready to assist
you with the difficult work ahead. I'll brief you with what I know
as soon as you are ready." The lines on Blake's face showed the stress
and lack of sleep he was suffering.
Still cheerful but also looking tired, Sheriff Randolph introduced herself
and showed Agent Cruz the search warrants she had obtained from Judge Buckholtz.
"This should be my jurisdiction, but based on what I've heard, I'm turning
it over to you because I know you have the resources to gather the best evidence.
The people of Wood County are pleased to work with you and help you in any
way we can."
Cruz wasted no time. "Okay, Chief Blake, while we are waiting for my crew
to arrive, take me to the crime scene."
Officers and deputies had been sent to every corner of the Vespers asking
the occupants to stay in place and wait questioning. By the time it
was all over, all of the pions, brothers, and masters, where questioned by
a team of over 50 FBI specialists sent from all over the country. A
few pions ran, but they didn't get far. There was just too much police
presence and no place to hide in the dead of winter.
Cruz and his investigators found the crime scene just as Blake had described
it. They quickly determined that the two bodies were Hector and Pius
One. They also determined that the primary cause of death was loss
of blood through lacerated juggler vein. There was so much blood, now
frozen, that it was difficult to get close to the bodies. The robot
was as described, full of blood from the two victims with razor-sharp saws
extended from its fingers and toes. There was a bloody trail from the
victims following its path out the door to the place it fell over and began
making circular scratches in the snow, ice and pavement beneath. The
slug that blew most of the robot's head off was lying near the building,
reduced to a malformed lump. A scratch on the monster’s armored chest had
deflected another slug into the building, lodged in the aluminum skin and
pink insulation. The slugs matched the ones in a box of slugs provided by
Chief Blake with the shotgun he turned over. The trajectory of the
slugs came from the parking area from the direction that Blake said he shot
the robot. Rapidly melting tracks of packed snow signaled a vehicle
more heavy than an electric cart was the source of the shooting. The only
concern Cruz had was why, if the robot had stalled outside the workshop,
did it still have power enough to dig those circular grooves around it in
the pavement? It was only a fleeting thought in the task before him.
What they found inside collabhorated the story about Pius One making remotely
operated devices in his workshop. It took the FBI some time to figure
out all of those remote toys were operated without a joystick. After
they interrogated Joseph at Cutaway Key, he confessed to them how the devices
operated. But he knew nothing of Oscar and could provide no information
about the little monster. When question about guests Pius One brought,
he said that there were many, some famous. He couldn’t recall them
all. Just doing his job and didn’t keep records. Jacob was equally
There was no video record of what happened that night in the workshop, thanks
to Pius One's personal censorship. And, as far as the FBI knew, no
witnesses. But the evidence was clear that the robot had gone berserk
and killed its maker. The only fingerprints on the killer were those
of Pius One. Latex gloves found at the scene contained fingerprints of a
woman. A check of them on the International Identity Database came
up with nothing. Beached blonde hair found in the shop also came up negative
on the IID. This was strange and almost unheard of. Joseph confirmed
that a beautiful blonde had seemed to have intimate knowledge of Pius’s toys.
When asked if he could describe her, he said, “I don’t know, women aren’t
my style. There were so many blondes—Marilyn Monroe? After the
criminal investigation of the device had ended, it was turned over to DOD
to see if any of its components were useful in fighting terrorism or war.
However, when the FBI had Ralph open the vault door that even he didn't know
existed, they found something far more sinister. Swabs of some of the
equipment in that diabolical room came back positive for DNA from several
individuals. Using the national IID bank that most Americans' DNA had
been registered either willingly or unwillingly; they came up with matches
to six young men that had been missing. Most damning was the fact that
most of the DNA gathered was from blood that had not been completely washed
off the leather and wood of the equipment.
Pius's house hosted ten young ladies who described their occupations as models
or starlets. They were all released after questioning because they
didn't seem to know anything about the One's activities outside of his gracious
treatment of them in his house.
A computer found in Pius's palatial bedroom contained evidence of many brutal
sex acts committed by him over several years. Most videos showed him
alone with a single pion that he drugged, tortured, raped, and killed.
Some of the videos showed Hector and Longray assisting. When they were
shown to relatives of the missing for identification, even the hardened
FBI investigators were shaken. Some of the films still circulated on
the Internet.
Tests done on the crushing machine in the animal parts biomass facility revealed
DNA from three of the victims. Although the biomass generator was drained
and many samples were taken from the layers of sediment, no DNA was found
matching any of the victims shown in the videos.
Tracks of an electric vehicle in the snow indicated that at some time after
the murders, someone had arrived at the warehouse and turned around.
When the electric cart that had that tire was found, it was found next to
the shed where the police kept their snowmobiles. One snowmobile was
missing from the inventory. About 2 miles from the compound, snowmobile
tracks were found cutting cross-country to a far corner of the Vespers.
About two o'clock in the afternoon the day after the murders, a hole was
found cut in the fence where the snowmobile exited the Vespers property.
After that, it was on the road and disappeared in car tracks. The snowmobile
had a range of about 50 miles, and, once on the road, could go about 50 miles
an hour. Everything put together led to it being Longray and that he
had made a clean getaway. The FBI and America's Most Wanted posted
clear videos of him taken from the HD collection of Pius One, but he was
never caught.
The FBI located fifty-four illegal immigrants working under slave-like conditions
at the Vespers under the protection and cruelty of Pius One. After
being questioned, they were all deported to their respective countries of
origin. Some confessed to helping him clean up from his murders or
fear of their own lives.
The pions were given the option of going home (some had no home to go home
to) or stay on as paid workers on the property. The brothers were all
questioned and only one or two were found to be involved in Pius One's activities.
Most believed that they were doing well by serving the Roman Catholic faith
and him. Most of the masters turned out to be hired on contract.
Except for one or two of the IT guys, most were just doing their jobs and
not involved in any illegal activity.
After some negotiation between the Catholic Church and Wisconsin officials,
it was decided to turn the property over to the Catholic Church for stewardship
with the promise that they would maintain the property and complete the Cathedral.
Several entertainment companies, most notably, Wisconsin Dells Inc., Disney
, MGM Resorts, Las Vegas and Trump Enterprises made bids for the property
to be used as a tourist attraction. Strapped for cash, the Catholic
Church decided to sell the infamous property to MGM. With the
help of the Chippewa Indian Tribe of Pittsville, the Vespers became the largest
Conference/Resort/Casino in the state of Wisconsin, dwarfing Wisconsin Dells.
In spite of the HD videos and a worldwide manhunt, Longray was never found.
Some surmised that he had committed suicide, knowing that he knew too much.
No evidence that a Chief Amos ever existed at the Vespers, in spite
of the rumors spread by local townspeople who wondered what happened to him.
There was no evidence of him in the office or the security quarters.
Ralph saw to that. Ralph became head of security for the resort complex
with a considerable pay increase.